Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dashing through the snow

Now that winter has arrived in SLC, I’ve been reminded of a
few things about winter bicycle commuting that recede from my memory every
spring like snow in the mountains.

First, this is the time of year that the skin over my knuckles starts to dry, chap, crack and eventually bleed.  It's my body's way of telling me that winter is here.  Every autumn I have a hard time admitting that summer is over and refuse to wear gloves on my morning commute.  My breaking point is when my fingers ache and take an hour to thaw out when I get to work.  Then I start wearing full fingered cycling gloves that provide absolutely no insulation. 

The snow on the road this week broke me down further and I got out my old ski gloves.  They’re fine except that both thumbs have holes in them.  I’ve taped them back together several times, but tape doesn’t insulate well.  But now only my thumbs ache as I thaw out in the mornings. 

Second, I’ve got a small dent in the rim of my back wheel that causes my brakes to pulsate like anti-lock brakes on dry roads.   Now when I pull the brake my rear wheel skids in the snow.  It may be time to introduce my rear wheel to my vice and a rubber mallet.   

Finally, I’ve got to find a different route for snowy days.  There is a ten block section of my commute with a narrow shoulder and a 45 mph speed limit.   I won’t ride on it in the snow.  Unfortunately, the only alternative is six blocks out of my way.  It cuts through a park and follows the river for half a mile.  It would be a nice everyday route if it wasn’t out of my way.  With the new route and all the snow on the road it took me 45 minutes to get to work today.  That’s twice as long as usual.   

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