Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sisters protest high gas prices


An article in today’s Salt Lake Tribune caught my eye this morning.  It’s about two sisters, ages 7 and 9, who were protesting high gas prices yesterday in downtown Salt Lake City.  Read the article here

While I think it’s adorable that a couple of kids who aren’t old enough to drive would protest high gas prices, that’s not what caught my eye.

What got me is the girls’ reason for protesting.  It’s not that they’re going hungry because their parents are spending all of their income on gasoline.  No, these girls are upset because their mother had to decide between buying gas and paying the cable bill.  Mom wisely chose to fill the tank—even though I would have advised her to buy a bicycle instead—so she could get to work.  The girls were upset about the prospect of a summer without daily doses of Hannah Montana on cable television. 

These girls learned a valuable lesson, one that goes completely unmentioned in the newspaper article about them.  When you turn off the TV, even for a few minutes, you begin to take notice of the world around you.  And you see opportunities to make a difference in that world. 

Way to go girls! 

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