Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thanks Doc

I’m feeling a whole lot better lately.  I’ve regained most of the weight I lost and can eat normal foods again.  I wish I could thank my doctor for helping me through this, but when I went to see him on Monday he surprised me by not prescribing me a general antibiotic.  Rather than follow the usual trend of giving a pill for every symptom, and a diagnosing a symptom for every pill, the doc told me to buck up and take it like a man, and that it would pass in a couple of days. 

That won him some credibility in my book, but I wonder if he saw this headline in yesterday’s Salt Lake Tribune:

CDC looks at salmonella cases in Utah, eight other states, with possible tie to tomatoes

Hmmm, there were tomatoes with my salad last Thursday, and while Wyoming isn't one of the eight other states, Colorado is.  Cheyenne is only a hundred miles from Denver.  Lets have a look at that list of symptoms. 

  • Fever—check

  • Diarrhea—check

  • Abdominal cramps—check

  • Tends to last 4-7 days—check, mine lasted 5 days. 

So that’s what you get for eating your vegetables. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are on the mend. But I can't help but wonder how much that "buck up" diagnosis cost?!?
